Hello World!

I am a Full Stack Web Developer. I am passionate about problem solving, developing solutions, and learning.

Hooks & More!

I decided to create a projectto familiarize myself with some newer additions to React. I built upon a previous full stack web app I created that uses Handlebars for the view layer. This new app uses some new features in React, such as Hooks and Concurrent React. The app scrapes the New York Times Technology page and displays a list of articles to user. It also allows the user to save articles and to comment on those articles. [Read More]

Final Project

The remaining three weeks of class were mainly devoted to the development of our final projects. In that time we we also covered React in more depth and went over some some Computer Science fundamental, data structure and algorithms. I am not quite sure why I am so fond of React. Perhaps it feels like it gives needed structure to the front-end. And adding even more structure, we covered Redux. Redux provides a predictable state container for JavaScript apps. [Read More]

Week Twenty

This was our second week of covering React and one of our final weeks of learning new content. We covered the stuff necessary in making more featureful Single-Page Applications, AJAX calls, conditional rendering, and the use of React Router. As this was the final week before we began working on our Final Projects, the homework this week was optional. I am really glad I choose take it on. The previous week’s homework was considerably trivial use of React compared to this weeks. [Read More]

Week Nineteen

So this is where the fun started. React is such joy to work with. Having once source for truth makes a lot sense. I have been picking up ES6 & ES7 features for a while now, and now its interesting seeing things like object destruturing and spread and rest used in a library. I really was not having much fun working on the front end, until now. I guess its the way that problems are approached, from Reacts perspective. [Read More]

Week Eighteen

This week we added another tool to our toolbox, MongoDB. And unlike MySQL, it does not care what you put in to it. It just accepts the data. Which is a blessing and a curse. To remedy this, there exists a project called Mongoose. Mongoose provides a MondoDB database with an ORM, which allows for validation. Since we previously learned Firebase, it was relatively easy to pick up Mongo. We just had to learn how to implement it with Node. [Read More]

Weeks Sixteen & Seventeen

It has been a challenging last couple of weeks. We concurrently covered testing, both unit and functional, and completed our second group project. One of the toughest aspects of our group project is simply coming up with an idea for an application. We kicked around a few ideas, but eventually led drawing game, kind of like Pictionary, where one player has a clue and other player must guess what the drawer is, drawing. [Read More]

Week Fifthteen

This was a short week in terms of new material, as it was running concurrently with the planning of our second group project. We build off the knowledge we gained last week in building our own ORM, and used an off the shelf model, Sequelize. I found Sequelize itself to be pretty easy to use, since it is promise based. Dealing with callbacks can get messy. Our project this week was merely to refactor last week’s project, were we created are own ORM, using Sequelize. [Read More]

Week Fourteen

This week we dove deeper into Express and covered Handlebars.js, a html templating engine. HTML templating provides a bridge between our JavaScript and our content, allowing us to decouple our HTML structure of the data within. Handlebars provides pretty easy to understand syntax and even allows block expression. As an example, let say I had list of burgers I want to iterate through and add each burger as a list item, it would look like this: [Read More]

Week Thirteen

We are starting to put it all together. Our project this week was to create a friend recommendation app not dissimilar from Tinder. It is almost a full-stack app, it doesn’t quite have data persistence through a database. Class is starting to get complicated, but when you step back and think about things, the concepts make more sense. When you are running a web server, it makes perfect sense that your server won’t serve something it has no idea about, such as static files, unless you explicitly do so. [Read More]

Week Twelve

This last week I became reaquainted with MySQL. It’s not so bad. The syntax is relatively straightforward. The keywords are close to to natural language. This was another week getting familiar with the power of Node.js. It is really easy to integrate some really powerful tools. Our assignment this week was to create backend for store using MySQL running on Node.js.Working with MySQL was pretty straightforward, updating, selecting from, and inserting into the database. [Read More]