Hello World!

I am a Full Stack Web Developer. I am passionate about problem solving, developing solutions, and learning.

Week Eleven

This week was surprisingly challenging. What makes this program interesting is that we often are giving just enough tools to complete assignment. The examples we covered in class were not as complex as the assignment turned out to be. Albeit, it could be me overcomplicating things. I tried to abstract this project as completely as possible. I also tried to cover every edge case, every error. This weeks project was a bit of remix. [Read More]

Week Ten

This has been my favorite week of learning yet. This was our introduction to Node.js, which is a JavaScript runtime engine. What that all means is that it allow us to use JavaScript outside of the browser. That opens up doors. Prior to Node.js developers had to learn a second language for the backend, such as PHP or Java. Now, no need. With just one language a developer can handle the tasks of both the front and backend of the stack. [Read More]

Weeks Eight & Nine

The last couple of weeks were spent working on our first group project. It was quite the learning experience. The first obstacle was to figure out what exactly we should do for a project. I first suggested a music based food recommendation app. That really did not go anywhere. It’s not a terrible idea. We eventually landed on an app that would give you movie recommendations based on your facial expression. [Read More]


I use Hugo to generate html for site. I have been using Google Docs to draft posts, to take advantage of spell check. What I did not realize, is that the quotation marks that are used in word processing programs and quotation marks used in html are not the same. This lead to to dead links in previous two posts. Live and learn.

Week Seven

Until now our programs only cared about the now, they only lived in the moment. This week we learned ways of giving our software something that dogs do not have, object permanence. We covered three ways of storing data with Javascript just using what’s in the browser; HTML5 Web Storage as well touching on Cookies. On the third day we covered the use of a Google product, Firebase. The database feature from Firebase includes a couple of really useful features, namely, in our use at least, a method that listens to changes in the database and call a function. [Read More]

Week Six

This week we learned ways of accessing tools and data not of our creation through APIs, or Application Programming Interfaces. This is a pretty important step in our learning progression, since no man is an island, it is fundamental to learn to leverage the work of others. I think the most important lesson I learned this week was importance of reading documentation. When I think about it, I have always enjoyed reading instructions. [Read More]

Week Five

Not a ton of new content was covered this week. The first day we had a Javascript review, where we went over previous content with the lens of what we know now. I did not get much of this day, since everything we have learned is still fresh. The second day we covered Javascript Timing Events. What we learned that day was enough for us to tackle our week five homework. [Read More]

Week Four

This was probably my favorite week yet. Some of the concepts are starting to stick, my ability to think programmatically is improving. We went into Javascript and jQuery a little more in depth. The concept of scope was covered extensively. My prior experience helped out immensely. And to get into my prior experience. My first formal introduction into programming while we had a Clinton in the White House. Things were rosy. [Read More]

Week Three

This week was spent getting acquainted with Javascript. Which is a scripting language that adds functionality to websites. It can be used to manipulate the page itself, such as adding elements, text, images. It can also be used to to do nitty-gritty things, like math. I do have a good amount of experience with programming languages, but it has been a while since I have had to think programmatically. Everyone programming language as its own quirks. [Read More]

Week Two, Part 2

I submitted my homework. I am not thrilled with my work. I spent many hours trying hacking away at the Bootstrap-Portfolio trying to format it to spec. My biggest isssue is that the breakpoints in our spec are not the same as the breakpoints that Bootstrap 4 uses. The easiest way to have fixed this would have been to customized my own downloaded version of Bootstrap by using Sass, which is something that seemed overly complicated at the time. [Read More]