Hooks & More!

I decided to create a projectto familiarize myself with some newer additions to React. I built upon a previous full stack web app I created that uses Handlebars for the view layer. This new app uses some new features in React, such as Hooks and Concurrent React. The app scrapes the New York Times Technology page and displays a list of articles to user. It also allows the user to save articles and to comment on those articles. [Read More]

Week Eighteen

This week we added another tool to our toolbox, MongoDB. And unlike MySQL, it does not care what you put in to it. It just accepts the data. Which is a blessing and a curse. To remedy this, there exists a project called Mongoose. Mongoose provides a MondoDB database with an ORM, which allows for validation. Since we previously learned Firebase, it was relatively easy to pick up Mongo. We just had to learn how to implement it with Node. [Read More]

Weeks Sixteen & Seventeen

It has been a challenging last couple of weeks. We concurrently covered testing, both unit and functional, and completed our second group project. One of the toughest aspects of our group project is simply coming up with an idea for an application. We kicked around a few ideas, but eventually led drawing game, kind of like Pictionary, where one player has a clue and other player must guess what the drawer is, drawing. [Read More]