Week Six

This week we learned ways of accessing tools and data not of our creation through APIs, or Application Programming Interfaces. This is a pretty important step in our learning progression, since no man is an island, it is fundamental to learn to leverage the work of others. I think the most important lesson I learned this week was importance of reading documentation. When I think about it, I have always enjoyed reading instructions. As I child, when i got any toy that required assembly, half the fun was learning how to put the thing together. Now I get to find job in assembling disparate pieces of software.

This weeks project was to use Giphy’s API to display ten GIFs based on predefined topics and allowing to add your topics. Upon clicking, the gifs would animate and when clicked again, the gifs will stop.

Here is a link to my projects source at Github, along with a <a href="http://www.ovieh.com/GifTastic/” target=”_blank>link to the live version.
