This week was surprisingly challenging. What makes this program interesting is that we often are giving just enough tools to complete assignment. The examples we covered in class were not as complex as the assignment turned out to be. Albeit, it could be me overcomplicating things. I tried to abstract this project as completely as possible. I also tried to cover every edge case, every error.
This weeks project was a bit of remix. Our third week project was to produce a Hangman game in Javascript, using the browser for user input. This week, we did the same, only using Node.js. We were also to include constructors. My first roadblock came early on, trying to change an array in a different class. It took me a day of thinking, but I realized that I should not try and change the value of an array, just change the value of a reference to that array. Side-efects.
After I got that straightened out, I then had difficult time ending and that starting the game upon completion of a single game. For some reason I was just thinking about it fundamentally wrong. I tried dozens of wrong fixes before I stepped back and thought about the problem. Then I found the solution to be simple.
My third roadblock is that I cannot find a good program that will easily record terminal activity as a Gif. I have found a few, but getting them install in Git Bash or in the Linux Subsystem for Windows has been a fail so far. I may install Linux in a Virtual Machine.
Here is a link to my project’s source on Github.