

Feel to Reel

A movie recommendation app that uses an image from the user's webcam and Azure's Emotion API to deliver emotionally specific movie recommendations. Live Github


A Pair Programming App utilzing React, Redux, & It allows multiple users to share the same JavaScript development environment and for the safe execution of code in the browser. Live Github

Devour a Burger

This is Burger logger using Node.js, MySQL, Express, Handlebars, and a homemade ORM. Live Github

Tech News Scraper

Site scraper using Node, Express, Handlebars, Mongoose, and Cheerio. Live Github

React Memory Game

Memory Game demonstrating state management and conditional rendering with React. Live Github

Doodle Buddy

Doodle Buddy is a group drawing game utilizing MySQL, Express, Handlebars, Node, Sequelize, and Live Github

(Last modified on December 31, 2018)