Week Two

This past week was spent learning the wonders of Responsive CSS. We spent a small amount of time learning media queries, which is fine sense it’s a fairly simple concept. It just involves more hacking around, just with considerations for specific screen sizes. The first part of our homework was to refactor our week one Portfolio Site utilizing media queries. That in itself did not take too much time. The second part of the homework is to refactor the original site using Bootstrap 4. The first hiccup we had is that the instructor’s examples were all in Bootstrap 3. This led to a lot of confusion on my part, a lot of the class names changed between versions. But going through the documentation led to some clarity. In some ways choosing to style your own CSS seems like an easier way to meet specific spec without having to deal with the decisions that our chosen framework, Bootstrap has chosen. But maybe with more experience using this framework, the choices it makes will be familiar and I will be to use as more comfortable jumping off point. I am still completing the Bootstrap assignment. I’ll update this post with results once I have them.