Week Nineteen

So this is where the fun started. React is such joy to work with. Having once source for truth makes a lot sense. I have been picking up ES6 & ES7 features for a while now, and now its interesting seeing things like object destruturing and spread and rest used in a library. I really was not having much fun working on the front end, until now. I guess its the way that problems are approached, from Reacts perspective. And there’s something about keeping keeping a component’s markup, css, and logic in one place that I find really appealing. I can’t say exactly why.

React also mixes Functional Programming ideogoly along with OOP. Functional Programming is a design philosophy that prioritizes creating pure functions, that do not mutate state. Creating truely pure functions is kind of non starter in JavaScript, since our end goal is change stuff on page, so there’s some OOP thown in there.

Our first React project was to create a sort of reverse memory game. It is completely front-end. It was a fun way to get accustomed to managing state and conditional rendering in React.

Here is a link to live version of the site and the source on Github. Below is a screenshot.
